Julia's Blog

Event Staffing Agency: Three Important Facts

If you live in a large city, such as New York or Los Angeles, there is no shortage of options when it comes to contracting an event staffing agency. A quick search on Google will return an array of results varied by the types of staff offered, rates, areas served, and many other criteria. Some things could be clarified and negotiated later on, but in this article we would like to highlight the three important facts to pay attention to from the very beginning. Keeping those in mind should help you select the best event staffing agency in no time.

Vetted and trained staff — hiring the best and staying on the mark.
Some event staffing agencies are open to the possibility of hiring candidates with little to no experience in banquet service or, sometimes, no food and beverage experience at all. “Learning on the fly” remains an accepted approach to training new hires in this field. But it won’t always serve your best interests and, in many cases, having inexperienced staff can jeopardize the flow of the entire event. 

That’s why we recommend partnering with an event staffing agency that has methods of carefully selecting previously experienced personnel (through conducting in-person interviews and administrating tests, for example). Additional training offered by the agencies to ensure the consistency of great service in line with its clients’ preferences also serves as a guarantee of their commitment to excellence. 

The right staff in the right amount, guaranteed.
Any event professional will tell you how important it is to secure the correct amount of personnel for a function. Your designated account executive should be able to guide you through this part of the planning process seamlessly, as seasoned event professionals know how to calculate the right ratio of staff to attendees for the best hospitality experience. 

But what about the unexpected situations, such as a last-minute increase in the guest count or a scheduled staff member falling sick? You will feel less stressed if you knew that your account executive is easily reachable and the agency can provide a replacement promptly. Responsiveness and readiness to deal with the unexpected are certainly among the factors that are worth inquiring about in advance when choosing your event staffing partners.

Experience and professionalism.
Experience comes with time, so if the agency you are considering displays an extensive client list and can offer a few testimonials or reviews, they are likely to be a good match for your event. 
Your point of contact should eagerly answer all your event-related questions, offer suggestions, and troubleshoot foreseeable challenges. Verify that the event staff is covered by insurance - an important detail. And don’t hesitate to inquire about complimentary services if needed, such as providing food and beverages. Some agencies might be able to either offer these services or refer you to their trusted partners.

Now you are well-equipped to make an informed choice about partnering with an event staffing agency and making your event a successful one! Happy celebrating!

Hire Event Staff
2020-08-30 14:35