Top RecruitsNot only do you get top professional talent in the Miami area, that has been verified with both background checks and employment checks, but we only pick the best of the best to handle our most esteemed clients. Not every applicant makes the cut, we only hire about 7% of the talent hoping to join our agency.Polished AppearanceOur waitstaff for hire comes ready, polished, and professionally dressed to handle your event. We offer model staffing for top promotional events where you desire a certain look for your party.Personal Business RelationshipOnce you become a client with Julia Valler, over time and gaining acquaintances with our Account Executives, we can tailor our waitstaff for hire to handle any specific and repeat needs you may have. We will be ready to handle your personal requests for how you like things done your way.
Perks with forming lasting relationships with us are custom rates, preferred staff requests, and more!Experienced Working With Top Boutique HotelsJulia Valler Event Staffing Agency has been the leading source of top talent for hotels for the last 8 years. We have formed lasting close business relationships with some of the best boutique hotels in our sister location in NYC such as Hotel Andaz, 1 Hotel, and PUBLIC Hotel.
Our hospitality staff has been valued over the years by these esteemed hotels for their ability to adapt quickly to the specific event type and service requirements. They are ready and eager to get to work immediately, mature and professional in their demeanor and behaviour, and experienced in working within the hotel and event industry.2021-08-25 09:13 Miami Event Staffing