Julia Valler Event Staffing, Miami

How to Hire Best Promo Models
in LA

Julia's Blog about Event Staffing / March 6th, 2022 / ~ 8 minutes read
If you are wondering how you can hire promo models who are experienced, skilled, and professional, then you have come to the right place. We are an established agency in event staffing in Los Angeles with a full roster of promotional models specifically experienced working as street teams, trade show models, and many other forms of promotional event staff.

Is It Easy to Hire Promo Models in Los Angeles?

hire promo models los angeles
When looking to hire promo models you can take several routes in seeking out talent. You can try your luck at putting out a job fair ad, and hiring individuals "off the street", you can hire from a gig site online, or the best way, which is to hire from a reputable promotional modeling agency in Los Angeles.

    Problems That Arise When You Try
    to Hire Promo Models

    The problems that can arise when looking to hire promo models come solely from when you go the risky route of hiring on your own instead of from an event staffing agency. When you hire promo staff from job sites it is difficult if not close to impossible to verify that the person you are considering for the job actually has the experience they claim to have. You can verify job references by calling previous employers, but to really get an accurate view of how that person works in 3D, what they truly are trained and experienced in for this line of work, what their strengths and weaknesses are, you won't find out till day one on the job.

    Another problem is that you don't have a guarantee that the people you hire on your own will show up on the day of your event. What if they take another job? What if they just forget or just don't feel like showing up? You could be stuck with a promotional event with no promo team.
      hire promo models los angeles

      One Mistake Made When You Hire Promo Models Can Spell Disaster for Your Brand

      The risks are everywhere when it comes to finding the right promo models in Los Angeles. If you try to rush it or cut corners, you could find yourself with a brand or product launch that tanks instead of taking off.

      If the staff you hire doesn't have the people skills and instead has a fear of public speaking, or they just didn't take the time to learn your sales pitch, or they just don't have the energy to deliver the message you want to your intended market, it could all just fall flat in your face.

      What is the Best Way to Hire Promo Models
      in Los Angeles

      You need to make sure that you are hiring from a trusted agency versed in promotional modeling in Los Angeles. Julia Valler has decades worth of experience in providing exceptional model quality event staff for a multitude of event styles including promotional events. Our promo models or Brand Ambassadors have been cherry-picked out of the masses because of their work ethic, experience, personalities, team player abilities, and much more. In addition, we provide training to guarantee to our clients that our promo staff is all working with the same set of skills and that we provide event staff that is unmatched.

      About Julia Valler Promotional
      Event Staff

      hire promo models in la
      Our Promotional Event Staff possesses many fine qualities, and here are some of them:

      • Attention to Detail - They show up prepared, and ready to take on any tasks you require and deliver them impeccably.

      • Professional Attire - We offer uniform selections for you to choose from for our event staff to wear, we also can work around any custom uniform requirements you may need.

      • Magnetic Personalities - They possess the gift of gab and the ability to draw crowds to them in a very natural way.

      • Public Speaking Confidence - They have no problem talking in front of large gatherings without getting nervous. They will take your speaking notes and accurately and effectively deliver your marketing message.

      Contact us for more information today!
        Where is Your Next Event?
        Our event staffing services go beyond the borders of Los Angeles and expand into the surrounding communities of LA county.
        Book your promo models now at Julia Valler Event Staffing - LA

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