Julia Valler Event Staffing, LA

5 Tips on How to Find the Best Wait Staff for Hire in LA

Julia's Blog about Event Staffing / October 10th, 2022 / ~ 8 minutes read
Do you need to find the best wait staff for hire in LA to add to your established team or to properly staff for your next event? There are many things you need to be aware of ahead of time to look for, well before you start your hiring search.

There is wait staff for hire in many different areas of LA, but locating top-quality candidates to match your specific needs are, can sometimes be challenging. Having a list of what to look for to find great wait staff for hire, will ensure you get the best talent for the job.

Let's get started!

Top 5 Tips on Hiring Waitstaff in LA

This list of tips has come about from years of experience and learning from past mistakes in the industry. Take our advice and you are on your way to obtaining the best wait staff for hire!
#1. Do not look for waitstaff at the last moment
If you leave hiring your waitstaff until the last minute, you are putting yourself in a risky position. First, you will end up selecting wait staff for hire in a complete rush. This means you are either improperly selecting the right talent, or not hiring enough talent. Also, your options are reduced, as the best wait staff may no longer be available.

You don't want to be in a desperate spot to have a warm body working your event because you forgot to hire your waitstaff ahead of time.
#2. Be sure to check the qualifications of the waitstaff for hire
Make sure that you verify the experience of the wait staff for hire that you are considering employing. You want to hire someone with complete confidence that the skills and work experience they claim to have are in fact valid.
#3. Make sure the selected waitstaff is reliable

Check the applicant's background too, are they reliable employees? Do they show up on time to work, or are they notoriously late? Triple-check their references, both professional and personal, to determine if they are the dream employee for you or a hiring nightmare.

Many times a waitstaff applicant may look perfect on paper, but in real life, they are quite the opposite. It's good to have direct communications with their former employers and other people that know them well, to get an accurate depiction of them on both a professional and personal level.
    wait staff for party
    Good mood of the wait staff is the key to a successful party
    wait staff for party
    #4. Do not hire through friends

    Just don't do it. First, you will feel more compelled to deal with a horrible employee because you don't want to offend your friend on their recommendation, and you are putting yourself in a difficult and unnecessary position because you went on their personal opinion, and not perhaps verifiable facts.
      Does your friend have any guarantees of this person's work experience? Can they make sure they will show up to work on time? Do they have a backup plan for you in case this person is not a good hire after all?

      The answer is most likely no, so you are better off not considering this option at all to hire your wait staff.
        #5. Find an agency you can trust

        If you want to avoid catastrophe and put your hiring into the safety and security of experienced event staffing hands, then you need to source your wait staff only from a trusted event staffing agency.

          About Julia Valler Event Staffing in LA

          wait staff for party
          Julia Valler has been providing staffing for events successfully since 2013. Our agency is respected for our timeless commitment to providing our clients with excellent service and top-quality professional staffing talent.

          We carefully hand-pick our team to join our agency so that we guarantee the highest level of service to our clients. This dedication to our craft is what has made us the leading event staff company in Los Angeles.

          If you are interested in finding out more about our wait staff for hire in LA, give us a call!
            Where is Your Next Event?
            Our event staffing services go beyond the borders of Los Angeles and expand into the surrounding communities of LA county.
            Book your waitstaff now at Julia Valler Event Staffing - LA

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